Unable to read Qprocess output
I am using qprocess to execute command line ffmpeg. when i pass "-help" commant to ffmpeg then this return me results otherwise this show me blank screen.
Here is my code.
@#include <QtCore/QCoreApplication>
#include <QProcess>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QTextStream>int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);QProcess *proc= new QProcess(); QString line; QStringList argumenta= QStringList()<<"-i"<<" a.mp3"; proc->start("ffmpeg/ffmpeg",argumenta); proc->waitForFinished(); qDebug()<<proc->readAllStandardOutput(); QTextStream *reader = new QTextStream(proc->readAllStandardOutput()); while((line=reader->readAll())!=NULL) { //qDebug()<<line; } return a.exec();
@ -
maybe ffmpeg prints on standard error?
@proc->readAllStandardError()@ -
Hi ,
i created slots for this
QProcess *proc = new QProcess();
void ffmpeghandler::OnBtnStartClicked()
QObject parent;QString codec = "ffmpeg/ffmpeg"; QStringList arguments;// = new List<string>(); arguments<<"-i"; arguments<<"abc.wmv"; arguments<<"-acodec"; arguments<<"mp3"; arguments<<"abc.mp3"; proc->execute(codec, arguments);
void ffmpeghandler::OnProcessOutputReady()
qDebug()<< "Transcoding Done."<< proc->readAllStandardOutput();
}@This is working for the windows but not for the iMac OSX. I am using OSX build for MAC(ffmpeg) and for windows i am using (ffmpeg.exe).
Is there is any other way to to this.This code is working for the MAC.
@proc->startDetached(codec, arguments);