Portable Qt application for Mac
Hi everybody.
I have just compiled an application on my Mac. On my Mac the application works. Now I want to copy ad use it on another mac without QtSDK installed. On Linux I can use this row "LIBS += -Wl,-rpath=\$$ORIGIN/libs" for define the directory of the required qt libs but on Mac does not works.
How can I do for define the directory of the required qt libs? -
Try set it up in application http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7-snapshot/qcoreapplication.html#addLibraryPath :
@ -
I have solved with "plugins" but not with "libs".
For example: Where must I put the library "QtDeclarative"?
I have add to application
Now where I must create the "libs" directory?
Which are the files to copy in libs from "qtDeclarative.framework" directory? -
Ok and then where I must create the libs directory? Which is the files that I must put in?
See the error:Dyld Error Message:
Library not loaded: /Users/USER//QtDeclarative.framework/Versions/4/QtDeclarative
Reference from: /Users/USER//DomusBossTouch.app/Contents/MacOS/DomusBossTouch