QWebView, how to handle with JS events?
Yes, it is possible to make own object and to allow interaction with local application.
If you are going to use WebKit1 then in QWebFrame there is a signal to which you should connect your slot. In this slot you should add your objects that you wish to be visible within web page."QWebFrame":http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7-snapshot/qwebframe.html#javaScriptWindowObjectCleared
In case of WebKit2 I am do not know if similar mechanism exists.
I don't know which version I'm using...
I'm trying this code:
QWebFrame* frame = ui->webView->page()->mainFrame();
frame.addToJavaScriptWindowObject("sender", this);
mainwindow.cpp:13:11: error: request for member 'addToJavaScriptWindowObject' in 'frame', which is of non-class type 'QWebFrame*'
@ -
I'm using Qt 4.7, so Webkit1.
QWebView* qWebView = ui->webView;
QWebPage* qWebPage = qWebView->page();
QWebFrame* qWebFrame = qWebPage->mainFrame();
@I can't access the methods of qWebFrame object!
And the "QWebFrame" has the method that I want to access:@
void addToJavaScriptWindowObject ( const QString & name, QObject * object )