Deploying Phonon on Windows problem
I've built an application (video player) on Linux which works pretty well and I got the same source to make a Windows build, it seems to have a problem using MingW compiler. While on my development machine (Windows 7) with Qt SDK 2010.04 installed, the player works just fine, it plays video files as it is supposed to, but when uninstalling Qt SDK (or executing the same binary on a Windows that doesn't have Qt SDK installed) it doesn't play any video and all it shows is the default windows background color, instead of black color of video player widget.
I have the same codecs on two machines. Also the same issue is in the development machine when removing Qt SDK.
I've deployed the phonon4.dll. I've also tried including phonon_backend directory under the application executable, but no luck so far.
Does anybody here solved this issue previously? What I'm doing wrong?
Thanks in advance.
Using <a href="">procmon</a> to watch which files Phonon tries to open is probably faster than renaming directories...
Thank you guys for the help!
Finally I've found the dependencies using procmon and required ones were directories (with their corresponding contents): phonon_backend, imageformats and sqldrivers and I included them on the same directory as executable, and now it works fine.