PySide compared to PyQt4 : problem with QImage __init__()
I'm trying to create a pyside backend for matplotlib by modifying the qt4agg backend.
Now i'm stuck with a QImage problem :In PyQt4 the syntax is :
img = QtGui.QImage(stringBuffer, 640,480,QtGui.QImage.Format_ARGB32)
But converting to PySide raise an error because no init method accept these inputs (because of stringBuffer data).
I tried with the staticmethod QImage.fromData(stringBuffer) but it does not work.I don't understand why pyside does not have the QImage ( uchar * data, int width, int height, Format format ) constructor ??
Could someone help me on this topic ?
How can i have the same result with a pyside syntax ?Thanks.
This is a bug in PySide - see:
Add yourself as a CC to the bug to get automatic updates about its progress.
Due to the bug backlog we have, it might take a month or so before we have time to fix that, though. :-(
Anyway, it's utterly cool that you're working on a matplotlib backend! I've really used matplotlib a lot for different kinds of projects of my own, and have always found the visual quality quite unmatched!
I think i don't use it properly because with PyQt and the following code :
from PyQt4 import QtGui
fid = open('/tmp/buffer.out','r')
stringBuffer =
fid.close()img1 = QtGui.QImage(640,440, QtGui.QImage.Format_ARGB32)
--> this make an empty png file*
img2 = QtGui.QImage(stringBuffer,640,440, QtGui.QImage.Format_ARGB32)'test_pyqt4_2.png',format='png')
--> this make a good png file with my figure
Any idea how to use loadFromData in the good way so that i can reproduce with pyside??