Qt SDK version 1.2.1 fails to install
I am not new to Qt. I do all of my development on Linux, but I have a published project on sourceforge that I want to update. To compile the windows version of the project, I need to install QtCreator on windows (which I have done several times before, using a virtual machine).
I downloaded the online installer program - QtSdk-online-win-x86-v1_2_1.exe, but every time I try to run this program, I get the error message "This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect". I am running inside a windows XP VM using VirtualBox, which has always worked in the past. I have tried two versions of XP, and created several new VM's trying to get this to work, but I always get the error message and the online installer won't run.
Any ideas on how to get the installer to run?
SDKs were not updated for ages. Installing QtCreator and Qt libs separately is a much better solution.
Hello, I had the same problem (XP-SP2 in VBox), I installed vcredist 2008 (http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/confirmation.aspx?id=29) and the installer worked fine after that.