Bug? In QML, listmodel.append(data) two items instead of listmodel.insert(0,data), only one item is shown??
I think the code snippet below is enough to demonstrate the bug I think I’ve found. If I have a ListModel in QML and I insert() two items at the beginning of the list, my ListView shows both items correctly. However, if I have an empty list and add two items to the end of the list using the append() command instead, only one item of the ListView appears, even through listmodel.count===2 and listview.count===2. I believe this error must be due to the same internal structure bug which is causing the crash I posted "here":http://qt-project.org/forums/viewthread/19477/.
@ListModel { id: alertModel } Component.onCompleted: { var data1 = { 'alertDescription' : "Alert #1", 'alertType' : 2, 'acknowledged' : false, 'alertState' : "yellow", 'alertId' : 0 }; var data2 = { 'alertDescription' : "Alert #2", 'alertType' : 3, 'acknowledged' : false, 'alertState' : "red", 'alertId' : 1 }; // alertModel.insert(0, data1); // alertModel.insert(0, data2); alertModel.append(data1); alertModel.append(data2); dropdown.state = "dropExpandedMultipleAlerts"; // make them visible dropDownButton.state = "expanded"; }@
I’m using Qt code 4.7.4, with the latest 4.7 updates. I know it’s not 4.8.1, but I’m choosing not to use that version because it crashes when qmlviewer.exe can’t find an exported C++ library, rather than gracefully refusing.