[SOLVED]How to update QSqlRelationalTableModel internal model?
I will try to explain the problem with the following scenario:
Suppose we have two tables A and B, table B has a Foreign key column from A and we applied QSqlRelation to that column, now we insert/update a row in table A.
The problem is that the QSqlRelation still see the old A table, how can i update the relation.?
Appreciate any kind of help.
I tried to call myRelationalTableModel.relationModel(columnIndex).select() after saving changes to table A, but this doesn't solve the problem.
Serious help needed, please.. :)
Help, Help, Help..!!!
If this problem doesn't have a direct solution, please moderators just tell me..
Finally Solved,,
it was a bug in PyQt4 until version 4.9.5-1, all you have to do is re-select the relation model, like this: