QLabel update from thread
Hi all, I'm new to QT, I have searched a lot on internet for a solution but nothing.
I have a QLabel and I want to update it from inside another thread.
If I useui->label1->setText("Hello Qt!");
all is working fine, but if I want to change text color
ui->label1->setText("<h2><i>Hello</i><font color=red>Qt!</font></h2>");
I have a cross threading exception and I have to close the application.
The two examples woks fine outside a thread.
I use Visual C++ 2008, not managed code, the target device is Windows CE;Tank you
you can't access gui elements from other threads. Simplest way to solve your problem is to use signals and slots. In your not main thread emit signal which will trigger slot in your main thread and update necessary gui elements.edit: Awww, late again... :(
Or use "QMetaObject::invokeMethod":http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/qmetaobject.html#invokeMethod with Qt::QueuedConnection
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(ui->label1, "setText" Qt::QueuedConnection Q_ARG(QString, <stringToSend>));
@ -
Perfect, now is working
Thank you
[quote author="Tomma" date="1344511439"]Or use "QMetaObject::invokeMethod":http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/qmetaobject.html#invokeMethod with Qt::QueuedConnection
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(ui->label1, "setText" Qt::QueuedConnection Q_ARG(QString, <stringToSend>));