[SOLVED] Issues when deploying Qt to App Bundle with "macdeployqt" script
Hello guys,
I am using the "macdeployqt" script to move the Qt frameworks within my application in order to make it a standalone application. "Source: labs.qt":http://labs.qt.nokia.com/2007/08/23/deploying-mac-applications-without-the-hassle/
The app runs perfectly fine before running "macdeployqt", but it results in two issues after deployment:
1 it brutally crashes (see pastebin "error log here":http://pastebin.com/Ajc968vp)
Terminal output:
@QWidget: Must construct a QApplication before a QPaintDevice
The program has unexpectedly finished.@2 it spits out lots of annoying warnings ("see list here":http://pastebin.com/x5QqLvst). It complains there are two version of the libraries, one in the app bundle and one in the system, and it doesn't know which one to pick.. sob
Anybody with the same problems?
Cheers -
Hi Volker, always you replying ^_^
I do not think so.. this is the "execution log":http://pastebin.com/JRAmBcN2 -
I have also tried to follow what proposed in "this post":http://www.qtcentre.org/archive/index.php/t-23559.html, but nothing... :(
Honestly I really expected the deployment of the Qt runtime to be done in a way similar to the following, in a cross platform and script-free fashion:
@CONFIG += deployqt@A bit disappointing to see Qt running into these issues...