Dialogs - Windows 7 Look&Feel
I think you need to create and customize your own widgets to get the look and feel of forward/back buttons (win 7), By default the forms look and feel is the same of the platform you are running on. You can check "here":http://qt-project.org/forums/viewthread/16255/ for more information regarding creating your own widget with custom styles.
Qt uses the platform's native look and feel. Just have to build and run your program in Windows 7, and it will automatically have the Win7 look and feel.
[quote author="Peppy" date="1344207607"]I mean, add back/forward buttons up there and by side add title, etc. ?[/quote]
There are many kinds of dialogs. Which kind do you want? Qt provides many built-in ones: See the "Inherited by" list in http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/qdialog.html . For example the "QWizard":http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/qwizard.html has back/forward buttons on top in Windows 7