[SOLVED] obvious simple help would be appreciated : install on MAC OS X Lion
I am totally new on mac, and i try to put my favorite framework on it.
Qt creator works fine.
when i download qt-mac-opensource-4.8.2.dmg and install it, things seems ok.
i have also installed the latest X-code.in Developer/Tools/Qt/ i have only a shortcut to qmake, which make me impossible to add a Qt version on tools->buildAndRun->Qt versions
I have tried to consider "this":http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/install-x11.html however the install seems for me different as the 'dmg' file install itself without any command line. (i have put the file in the .profile thought)
i am obviously missing something, which is may be a obvious for the mac users, but i have tryed many things, including "some howto":https://www.agile-workers.com/web/2012/03/qt-qmake-osx_sdk-xcode/ and i feel a bit strange that with both the easy to use framework and system i could not succeed in installing it :(
if someone may have some hint it would be very appreciated.
Thanks -
Follow the qmake link ad add the real thing, then (might be in /usr/bin, but I don't really remember). I remember I had a similar issue, but I cannot check it now, as I've got a Mac machine in my work place only.
Oh, and be warned, Mac is NOT easy to use. I'm also quite new there, but so far it's much worse even that windows. And Apple continues making strange decisions that break it even further.
Thanks for your response.
When i follow the link (which is /usr/bin, well done :) ), all file are in gray, wich make it impossible to select nor the qmake or the qmake-4.8.....
ok, i tend to agree with that but however for the time being i try to convince myself it not too uneasy ;)
But what i don't understand is : i am certainly not the only one who have tried this, and i found almost nothing about this situation....
strange enought ?
I know the problem on Linux is that qmake is set as the name of the file filter, and somehow it makes the actual binary impossible to select. So what I do is I clear the filter field by hand. As I recall, this is not possible on Mac.
If I don't forget on Monday, I'll check that on my work machine and report back to you.
sierdzio: Note that the behavior you describe is caused by the KDE file selector. It works well with any non-KDE file selector, so it is not a issue with Linux per se.
[quote author="Tobias Hunger" date="1344158826"]sierdzio: Note that the behavior you describe is caused by the KDE file selector. It works well with any non-KDE file selector, so it is not a issue with Linux per se.[/quote]
Ah, ok, I didn't know that, I use only KDE for several years now.
i have finally installed the framework as "here":http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/install-x11.html, and built it.
However i didn't not know why the .dmg is available....
Or where it is written that it is not fit with the OS X Lion.Thanks for your response sierdzio.