[Solved] Help with Counter in Delegate
I have this code that some what works. If I scroll through the model till the end all the minutes count down correctly. But if I don't do anything than only the minutes on the view get updated..
I can't do the following:
- Update Model's values
- Start Trigger on non-visible delegates
Any help would be appreciated.
Video of the Problem:
"Your text to link here...":http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6dL3KuybwWMHere is the sample code:
@import QtQuick 1.1
import com.nokia.meego 1.0Page {
tools: commonToolsListView { id: mainListView x: 0 y: 70 width: 480; height: 400 clip: true boundsBehavior: Flickable.DragAndOvershootBounds cacheBuffer: 0 snapMode: ListView.NoSnap orientation: ListView.Horizontal flickableDirection: Flickable.HorizontalFlick model: mainListViewXML; delegate: myDelegate; }
XmlListModel {
source: "http://nextbart.info/etd.php?station=12th";
query: "/nextbart/etd"
XmlRole { name: "minutes"; query: "@minutes/string()"; }onStatusChanged: { if (status === XmlListModel.Ready) { // Method #2 updateMinutes.start() } } }
Timer {
id: updateMinutes
interval: 6000 ;
running: false;
repeat: true
onTriggered: {var xcount = mainListViewXML.count, i; for (i=0; i< xcount; i++) { var xmin = parseFloat(mainListViewXML.get(i).minutes) - 1; mainListViewXML.setData(i,minutes,xmin) } } }
id: myDelegateItem {
width: 160; Timer { interval: 9000; running: true; repeat: true onTriggered: { //! Method #1 (Only Updates visible minutes) var xmin = parseFloat(trainMinutes.text) - 1; trainMinutes.text = xmin; } } Text { id: trainMinutes text: minutes font.bold: true color: "#000000" smooth: true x: 40 y: 70 width: 86 height: 68 opacity: 1 } }
Here is a sample screen of 3 numbers on the screen.
!http://i.imgur.com/2HF3N.png(3 Numbers)!
Note: There are lots of more trains but only these 3 get updated if you don't scroll. -
A couple things you could try:
- Regarding Method 1: ListView only creates visible delegates (that is, if the model has 10 items but the ListView can only display 3 items, it will not create the other 7). If you set a large cacheBuffer value it will force creation of all the items, and the Timer in the delegate method should work.
- Regarding Method 1: Assuming the XML data is automatically updated, you could try changing your timer to call mainListViewXML.reload(), which will pull the latest file from the network and re-parse it.
Michael -
Thanks Michael, I updated the cacheBuffer based on mainListViewXML.count, which seems to be working fine now.
@ //! Reset Buffer
mainListView.cacheBuffer = 160*mainListViewXML.count;@I don't know how much the cache buffer affects the memory usage, but I would rather load the items than reload the XML.