QTcpSocket/QTcpServer on a heavy load server
Hello, I am designing and making a server that should be able to handle about 100+ hits per second. The information I am getting from the server is just the HTTP header. Based on the information from the header, it will query a database(different thread) for some information and send the final information back to the QTcpServer which create an output string, and send back a HTTP Response. I am having a big problem with this that I cannot debug. My code look similar to this:
@TCPInterface::TCPInterface(QObject *parent): QTcpServer(parent)
//start listening for tcp traffic on port 80
listen(QHostAddress::Any, 80);connect(this,SIGNAL(sendInfo(QTcpSocket*, QString *)), databaseThread, SLOT(recieveInfo(QTcpSocket*, QString*))); connect(databaseThread, SIGNAL(sendToTCPSend(QTcpSocket *, QString *)), this, SLOT(TCPSend(QTcpSocket*, QString*)));
@void TCPInterface::incomingConnection(int socket)
QTcpSocket *s = new QTcpSocket(this);connect(s, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(readClient()));
// connect(s, SIGNAL(disconnected()), this, SLOT(discardClient()));
@//void TCPInterface::discardClient()
// QTcpSocket* socket = (QTcpSocket*)sender();
// socket->deleteLater();
//}@@void TCPInterface::readClient()
QTcpSocket* socket = (QTcpSocket*)sender();QString header; while(socket->canReadLine()) { header += socket->readLine(); } emit sendInfo(socket, headerInfo);
@void databaseThread::recieveInfo(QTcpSocket* socket, QString* headerInfo)
QString*outputInfo = getDatabaseInfo(headerInfo);
emit sendToTCPSend(socket, outputInfo);
}@@void TCPInterface::TCPSend(QTcpSocket* socket, QString* outputInfo);
QString response = "HTTP/1.0 200 Ok\r\n";
response += "Content-Type: text/html; charset="utf-8"\r\n";
response += "\r\n" + *outputInfo + "\n";if(socket->isWritable() && socket->isOpen()) { socket->write(response.toAscii()); } //socket->disconnectFromHost(); socket->close(); delete headerInfo;
I having one main problem which I have an idea what it is, but cannot find a solution to fix it.
My problem is my memory is constantly increasing as I get more hits. I am sure the cause of this is my QTcpSockets are never being deleted, since I am just closing them. However when I don't use close, and use disconnectFromHost and disconnected/discardClient slot/signal my server will crash with heavy traffic(no message or anything so I am not sure of the exact reason of the crash). Has anyone run into this problem before? Any ideas at all.