Camera problem
We are building application that should cover symbian^1 and newer symbian phones. App is based on qml. We are using QT Creator 2.2.1. The main problem is camera on Symbian^1. For symbian^3 works qml declarative camera and it
s correct but it
s not with symbian^1. We tried to use QCamera object - create class derived QDeclarativeItem and register new qml type:@camera = new QCamera();
vFinder = new QCameraViewfinder();
vFinder->setFixedSize(240, 320);
vFinder->show();mProxy = new QGraphicsProxyWidget(); vFinder->setAttribute(Qt::WA_NoSystemBackground); mProxy->setWidget(vFinder); //setWidget(vFinder); //vFinder->setFullScreen(true); //vFinder->show(); imageCapture = new QCameraImageCapture(camera); camera->setViewfinder(vFinder); camera->setCaptureMode(QCamera::CaptureStillImage); camera->start(); //on half pressed shutter button camera->searchAndLock(); //on shutter button pressed imageCapture->capture(); //on shutter button released camera->unlock();@
We also tried to create a class derived QGraphicsProxyWidget and use it in qml but this not help too. Only sample that works was built on .ui files but we are not able to import this to be used in qml. Is there any possible way to make it to work for symbian^1 and symbian^3 in qml or use .ui file instead? Any help will be very appreciate...