[SOLVED] How to make a Vertical scrollbar inactive when Horizontal Scrollbar is in used and vice versa?
I have these vertical and horizontal scrollbars and i want when one of the scrollbars is in used, another become inactive so that i can have smooth scrolling. is it possible with these codes?
import QtQuick 1.1
import com.nokia.symbian 1.1
import QtWebKit 1.0
import "../delegates"
import "../js/Util.js" as UtilPage { id: tab1 orientationLock: PageOrientation.LockPortrait Flickable { id: flicker1 width: parent.width height:parent.height anchors{left:parent.left; leftMargin:5; right:parent.right; rightMargin:5} flickableDirection:Flickable.HorizontalAndVerticalFlick contentWidth: web.width * web.scale; contentHeight: web.height * web.scale; clip: true WebView { id:web html:itemNews transformOrigin: WebView.TopLeft preferredWidth: window.width - 10 preferredHeight:window.height scale: window.height > 640 ? 1 : 0.8 } } ScrollBar { id:vertical flickableItem: flicker1 anchors.right:parent.right anchors.top:flicker1.top } ScrollBar { id:horizontal flickableItem: flicker1 orientation: Qt.Horizontal width:web.width * web.scale anchors{left:parent.left; leftMargin:5; right:parent.right; rightMargin:10; bottom:parent.bottom; bottomMargin:5} }
@ -
Got it figured out myself. All I have to do is set the condition like this :
@ flickableDirection:Flickable.Horizontal || Flickable.VerticalFlick @
instead of
@ flickableDirection:Flickable.HorizontalAndVerticalFlick @So, either horizontal or vertical scrollbar will work when scroll.
The flickable item can now be scrolled in a more organized manner rather than moving around.:)