[SOLVED] Error: #include <QLocalSocket> and #include <qlocalsocket.h> not found
On both includes
#include <QLocalSocket>
#include <qlocalsocket.h>
I get a "No such file or directory" when trying to compile and run on windows. Funny enough, when cross-compiled on linux, there is no error.
When I hover over it with the mouse it correctly shows me the class message with F1 as well as the path on the header file.
Strange as well, if I open the localfortuneclient demo, it compiles and runs (on windows) and I don't really see the difference.What am I doing wrong?
I have to add that I am rather new to QT.
ThanksI'd like to add what I am trying to achieve. Maybe there is a good How-To somewhere.
I have a daemon that acts as Unix Domain Sockets Server that I need to communicate with.
The server is up and running and I now need to have QT as client and connect to the server and communicate with it.