[SOLVED] Qt5 and QtMultimedia
Hello everyone,
I would like to know two thinks :
First I would like to build Qt5 Alpha with VisualStudio 2010 Compiler (x64), what is the best way (the best configure option) to do this ? and after the best configuration to make proper installation with QtCreator ?
I would like to use the QtMultimedia module, but when I build Qt5 with the given configuration :
configure -confirm-license -opensource -nomake examples -nomake tests -prefix
QtMultimedia is not build.Thanks in advance
I think your post is not finished. What happens when you configure it like that?
Also, it's better to ask only one question in one thread - it makes the discussion much easier to follow.
Try running the build again (without cleaning the source tree, just using ./build -j <# of cores>), and/ or "make module-qtmultimedia". It happens for me occasionally with QtDeclarative.
Not to my knowledge. Try using git instead of the alpha, maybe the issue was fixed?