[SOLVED] Plugin name disappear in PluginLoader...
Hi guys, I have found some strangeness inside QPluginLoader, When I set up the name of plugin, after set up, it does not handle the name...
QPluginLoader config;
config.setFileName(QString("Project.Configuration"));qDebug() << config.fileName(); // NULL config.load(); // false, and thus no plugin is loaded... // ...
Please read the manual carefully, then you can get the answer.
fileName : QString
This property holds the file name of the plugin.
To be loadable, the file's suffix must be a valid suffix for a loadable library in accordance with the platform, e.g. .so on Unix, .dylib on Mac OS X, and .dll on Windows. The suffix can be verified with QLibrary::isLibrary().
If the file name does not exist, it will not be set. This property will then contain an empty string.