QFileSystemModel crash when rename
#include <QtCore>
#include <QtGui>int main(int argc, char **argv)
QApplication app( argc, argv );QFileSystemModel model; QString const rootPath = "E:/file_test/very big"; QTableView view; view.setModel(&model); view.setRootIndex(model.setRootPath(rootPath)); QSplitter splitter; splitter.addWidget(&view); splitter.show(); return app.exec();
[/code]Under the folder "very big" consist 8448 jpg, when I using a tool(Bulk rename utility)
to rename the jpg under "very big", the program will crash.
How could I stop the self updating function of QFileSystemModel?
Thanks -
1 : I find out the QDirModel will not update until you call "refresh"
2 : even I do not setup the model for the view, rename the files will affect
the main thread(GUI) seriously.No wonder why even I rename the files
on another thread, the GUI still stall.[code]
int main( int argc, char **argv )
QApplication app( argc, argv );QFileSystemModel model; QString const rootPath = "E:/file_test/very big"; model.setRootPath(rootPath); QTableView view; //I haven't set any model for The view, but the program still //crash if I rename 8448 of my jpg files by other program QSplitter splitter; splitter.addWidget(&view); splitter.show(); return app.exec();
[/code]There are still more than 1XX pages of the model/view architecture I have to studied(advanced Qt programming)
I hope I could know how to prevent the automatic "refresh" function of the QFileSystemModel after
I finish the chapter 4, 5, 6 in the bookQDirModel is not a good solution, but looks like it could solve my problem for now.
Never expect that customize the model/view of Qt4 could be so complicated(2XX pages to study)
Maybe a little bit difficult for a newbie like me? -
bq. The book is called Advanced Qt Programming. How did you figure that that is suitable for a beginner with Qt?
So it is not suitable for a beginner?But this book explain model/view much more detail than
"Foundation of Qt development", although "Foundation of Qt development" teach us how to
deal with table model/view but no tree model/view.Whatever, when I use multithread to rename the files with QFileSystemModel,
the GUI still stall and the use of memory will keep raising(memory leak?),but QDirModel
would not have the situations like QFileSystemModel.Is this a bug of QFileSystemModel?Or a normal behavior?
worker thread
#include <QtCore>
#include <QtGui>class FileRenameRunnable: public QThread
public :
FileRenameRunnable(QString const rootPath) : rootPath_(rootPath) { } virtual void run() { for(int i = 0; i != 8448; ++i) { QFile file(rootPath_ + "/kkk" + QString::number(i) + ".jpg"); file.rename(rootPath_ + "/jjj" + QString::number(i) + ".jpg"); emit valueChanged(i); } }
void valueChanged(int value);private:
QString rootPath_;
[/code]main thread
#include <QtCore>
#include <QtGui>#include "fineNameRunnable.hpp"
int main(int argc, char **argv)
QApplication app( argc, argv );QFileSystemModel model; QString const rootPath = "E:/file_test/very big"; QTableView view; view.setModel(&model); view.setRootIndex(model.setRootPath(rootPath)); QProgressBar progress; progress.setRange(0, 8447); //....select the data you want to rename from the view //let us assume I select 8000 of jpg files //don't know how to rename the file by QFileSystemModel, so I use QFile instead QDir::setCurrent(rootPath); FileRenameRunnable *myTask = new FileRenameRunnable(rootPath); app.connect(myTask, SIGNAL(finished()), myTask, SLOT(deleteLater())); app.connect(myTask, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), &progress, SLOT(setValue(int))); QSplitter splitter; splitter.addWidget(&view); splitter.addWidget(&progress); splitter.show();
//the program will stall even you run under another thread
//but QDirModel will not if you run under another thread
myTask->start();qDebug() << "finish"; return app.exec();