Why QString not use QTextCodec::codecForLocale by default ?
Currently,the QString cannot display correctly multi-byte characters like Chinese.(Tested on WinXP ,Chinese Version)
To solve this problem,we must add code "QTextCodec::setCodecForCStrings(QTextCodec::codecForLocale)" in every program .
Why Qt not use QTextCodec::codecForLocale by default ?
Because your program will run OK on a Chinese Windows XP, but not on a French one. This codecForCStrings thing is runtime dependent.
The real solution to your problem would be to save your source files in UTF-8 and use QString::fromUtf8(...) or even better, QObject::trUtf8("") for all your string literals so that you can easily translate your app afterwards and deploy it anywhere, even on other platforms. -
[quote author="xth21" date="1343310177"]Currently,the QString cannot display correctly multi-byte characters like Chinese.(Tested on WinXP ,Chinese Version)
To solve this problem,we must add code "QTextCodec::setCodecForCStrings(QTextCodec::codecForLocale)" in every program .
Why Qt not use QTextCodec::codecForLocale by default ?[/quote]
As it's nearly always wrong to use following line
@in a real word and cross-platform application.