Separate QString by QRegex
QString contents = "lll-###";QRegExp split("\b");
QStringList splitContents = contents.split(split, QString::SkipEmptyParts);
for(QString const &data : splitContents)
qDebug() << data;
[/code]The result is "lll", "-###"
How could I told the QReg if I want the result become
"lll-", "###"I want to make "#+"(I mean "#", "##", "###" and so on) as word boundary
"aaabbb%### ddd###" will be
"aaabbb%", "###", " ddd", "###"Thanks
[QUOTE]1) work around it.[/QUOTE]
My pretty nasty work around[code]
//helper function
std::list<std::pair<int, int> > get_positions(QRegExp const &rx, QString const &contents)
int pos = 0;
std::list<std::pair<int, int> > result;
while((pos = rx.indexIn(contents, pos)) != -1)
//qDebug() << pos2 << ", "<< rx.matchedLength();
result.push_back(std::make_pair(pos, rx.matchedLength()));
pos += rx.matchedLength();
}return result;
}//helper function
template<typename T>
QStringList const split_str_by_positions(T const &position, QString const &contents)
QStringList results;
for(std::pair<int, int> const &data : position)
results << contents.mid(data.first, data.second);
}return results;
//split the contents into the QStringList
void test_get_positions()
QString contents = "lll ### ### ###";typedef std::pair<int, int> DInt; std::list<DInt> positions = get_positions(QRegExp("#+"), contents); std::list<DInt> positions2 = get_positions(QRegExp("[^#]+"), contents); struct DIntCompare { bool operator()(DInt const &one, DInt const &two) const { return one.first < two.first; } }; positions.merge(positions2, DIntCompare()); qDebug() << "---------------------"; for(DInt const &data : positions) qDebug() << data.first <<", "<<data.second; QStringList results = split_str_by_positions(positions, contents); for(QString const &data : results) qDebug() << data;
[/code]Do you have other easier solutions?
My workaround is ugly, want to find other better way to implement it.
Thanks -
you could just call contents.split("###"), but you won't get "###" in your resulting list.
(Which shouldn't be a big deal, just add them again afterwards if you need them...)
Try something like that:[code]
QString contents = "lll-###";QString split("###");
QStringList splitContents = contents.split(split, QString::SkipEmptyParts);
for (int i = splitContents.count(); i >= 0; i--)
splitContents.insert(i+1, split);
}for(QString const &data : splitContents)
qDebug() << data;
[/code]if this solution isn't flexible enough for your purposes, you'll probably have to write your own parser...
Not really sure what you want to achieve, but maybe use the "\b-" as QRegExp? When I test it, it gives me two strings in the splitContents. "lll" and "###". I lost the "-" ofcourse of the QString.split function.
The correct Qt way for the for () is more:
@ QString contents = "lll-###";QRegExp split("\\b-"); QStringList splitContents = contents.split(split, QString::SkipEmptyParts); foreach (QString const &data , splitContents) { qDebug() << data; }
bq. Not really sure what you want to achieve
I want to implement the rename function like the "XnView" did
example : aaa_###$##$#
will produce strings like
"aaa_001$01$1" and so on
it would only replace "#" to integerThe most easiest solution of mine is
(1)split the string into
aaa_,###, $,##, $, #(2)concatenate those string and replace "#" to number