[SOLVED]QAbstractProxyModel and mapToSource
I've setup my QTableView as view, model for that view is QSqlQueryModel. "Screenshot":http://imgur.com/4okrm - excuse me for Serbian letters, you will understand what I am saying nevertheless.
@self.model = QSqlQueryModel(self)
db = QSqlDatabase.addDatabase("QSQLITE")
db.open()view = self.ui.myView
view.setModel(self.model)view.clicked.connect(self.clickedSlot) #this function clickedSlot returns row and column numbers, which I use for extracting data from SQLite database.
def searchName(self): #this function searches the model for some name,lets say JOHN DOE`
name = (str(self.ui.inputName.text()).upper()) proxy = QSortFilterProxyModel() proxy.setSourceModel(self.model) proksi.setDynamicSortFilter(True) proxy.setFilterRegExp(QRegExp(name, Qt.CaseInsensitive)) proxy.setFilterKeyColumn(1) view = self.ui.myView view.setVisible(False) view.resizeColumnsToContents() view.setVisible(True) view.setSortingEnabled(True) view.setModel(proxy) view.clicked.connect(self.clickedSlot)@
"Screenshot 2":http://imgur.com/64dO6, after the searchName function. Again, excuse me for Serbian letters. Now the problem;
If I clicked on a row in first screenshot, I would get row number and column number printed in console, like 8,2. If I click on a row in SECOND screenshot (one with the proxy filter ON) I get row -1, column -1.
How would I implement QAbstractProxyModel and mapToSource method to get REAL row and column numbers?
I forgot to include clickedSlot() function, which caused the problem after all. This is the messy one:
@def clickedSlot(self,index):
rownumber = index.row()
colnumber = index.column()
self.model.setQuery("select name from cases")
tempname = self.model.data(self.model.index(rownumber, 1))
print("row " +str(rownumber))
print("column " +str(colnumber))
print("name " +str(tempname))@It worked well without QSortFilterProxyModel, but with one it was unable to resolve the original row and column. Function that works is in a post underneath.
This function correctly fetches row and column numbers from the model, through a proxy:
@def clickedSlot(self, modelIndex):
model = modelIndex.model()
if hasattr(model, 'mapToSource'):
# We are a proxy model
modelIndex = model.mapToSource(modelIndex)
print modelIndex.row(), modelIndex.column()@