Qt 5 fails on my Ubuntu 12.04
Hi, I am JorDevNet and I am new in this group. I am a newbie in Qt.
I installed Qt Creator, with Qt 4.
When I discovered Snowshoe, I wanted to see its code and I downloaded Qt 5 and Snowshoe from here: https://launchpad.net/~canonical-qt5-edgers/+archive/qt5-daily
I could install all the packages except: qt-components-qtquick2-tests
Theese packages include a binary of Snowshoe, so I tried it, It doesn't work, because when I input a web adress and I press enther, it doesn't happen anything.
Then I opened with Qt Creator and I added Qt5. I opened the Snowshoe project and it couldn't be compiled because of the absence of some libs. I searched that on the internet and I think that I found the solution.
Now, the project can be compiled, but with the following warnings:
Old plugin format found in lib /opt/qt5/imports/QtWebKit/libqmlwebkitplugin.so
Old plugin format found in lib /opt/qt5/imports/QtWebKit/experimental/libqmlwebkitexperimentalplugin.so
WARNING: This project is using the experimental QML API extensions for QtWebKit and is therefore tied to a specific QtWebKit release.
WARNING: The experimental API will change from version to version, or even be removed. You have been warned!
qrc:///qml/main.qml:53:5: Type TabWidget unavailable
qrc:///qml/TabWidget.qml:20:1: Type PageWidget unavailable
qrc:///qml/PageWidget.qml:84:34: Cannot assign to non-existent property "webGLEnabled"When I execute the binary that results from the compilation, it appears a window, Snowshoe. But inside the windows there isn't nothing. It's "transparent".
What can I do? Might the mistake be the package that I couldn't install? Thanks.
Please, sorry my english.