[solved] QML from resource system
Hey guys,
Yesterday I changed my current project to use qml sources out of the .qrc and it seems to work.
Just now I'm testing the result on my Linux system and it doesn't work.
The Problem is that my qml parts seem to have some issues on loading image files.
For example in my main qml file I want to load some images.
Some of them are static and loaded from the .qrc file others are dynamically
and loaded from other directories.As expected the static images from the resource are loaded correctly but
the dynamic images can't be loaded because the files are also referred via
the resource file.My main qml file tries to find :
"/home/me/My Data/picture_1.jpg"
"qrc:/home/me/My Data/picture_1.jpg"Why does qml try to find external files in the qrc: system ?
On my windows system this doesn't happen and everything works.
So lets see what happens ; )
Ok this problem is going to be fixed I believe.
I got a nice hint to solve this issue. Look at the "comments":http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTBUG-15438?focusedCommentId=133041&page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:comment-tabpanel#comment-133041 there is a good example to do it the right way.
On my Linux system it worked well but I don't validate this on my Windows system.
Because of this comment I guess that this thread could be marked as [solved].
If anybody has still problems with this, please comment.