Problems with $$quote(...) when used with environment variable
Hi at all,
I'm playing a little bit with CUDA.
Fortunately, there exists a predefined environment variable called 'CUDA_LIB_PATH' which points to the folder with the needed library.
In my case the value of this env. var. is 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v3.2\lib\Win32', thus I have to use the $$quote(...) function due to the whitespaces in it.So I wrote the following line to my project file (cuda.lib is the needed library):
LIBS += $$quote($(CUDA_LIB_PATH)\cuda.lib)
But this doesn't work, the linker still gets the whitespace separated parts of the string (C:\Program, Files, etc...).However, if I write the value of the env. var. directly into the project file it works:
LIBS += $$quote(C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v3.2\lib\Win32\cuda.lib)Also there is an env. var. for the include files called 'CUDA_INC_PATH'.
In this case the following statement works:
INCLUDEPATH += $$quote($(CUDA_INC_PATH))It is a little bit strange, 'cause for INCLUDEPATH it works but not for LIBS.
Perhaps someone can help me.Thanks in advance
DAXaholic -
"Undocumented QMake": says the following:
bq. escape_expand(string) — Does what quote() probably should have done originally, it replaces \, \n, \t, and \r with backslash, newline, tab, and carriage return respectively.
Hi, I am having the same issue here.
On my PC, a path to the NVidia's SDK is set asNVSDKCOMPUTE_ROOT=C:\ProgramData\NVIDIA Corporation\NVIDIA GPU Computing SDK 4.0
In my project file , using this environmental variable, I set paths as
win32:INCLUDEPATH += $$quote($(NVSDKCOMPUTE_ROOT)/C/common/inc)
win32:LIBS += -L$$quote($(NVSDKCOMPUTE_ROOT)/C/common/lib/x64)While the first line seems to work fine, the second line causes error and shows this message, at the end of the compilation....
Generating Code...
link /LIBPATH:"c:\Qt\4.7.3\lib" /NOLOGO /DEBUG /DLL /MANIFEST /MANIFESTFILE:"debug\mylib.intermediate.manifest" /OUT:..\QtProjects\debug\mylib.dll @C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp\mylib.dll.1908.28782.jom
LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'Corporation\NVIDIA.obj'The program compiles and runs fine if the path is hard-coded as
LIBS += -L"C:\ProgramData\NVIDIA Corporation\NVIDIA GPU Computing SDK 4.0\C\common\lib\x64"
I have a feeling that there is a problem in interpreting the environmental variables with spaces. It is very awkward if I have to modify my project files every time NVidia releases a new SDK. I hope this issue is sorted out in the future release of Qt.
Thank you.
Well, I have the same issue with ITK. My .pro file is slightly different, I use an environment variable which defines a path with a space (still Program Files...), but I use intermediate variables. I haven't solved it for now and will install ITK to a folder without spaces rather than looking for correct syntax. However it would be great to get help.
Here is what I came up so far, but it's not right.
@# ITK base directory : C:\Program Files\ITK
ITK = "$(ITK)"ITK headers base directory
ITK_INCLUDES = "$${ITK}/include/ITK4-5"
ITK libs base directory
ITK_LIBS = "$${ITK}/lib"
Pass information to Qmake (include path)
$$quote($${ITK_INCLUDES})Pass information to Qmake (lib path)