QML Video Element crash
I've just installed Qt 4.7.1 and QtMobility 1.1 Final, to play with QML. But when I run my simple QML project qmlviewer crashes. Here is my code:
import Qt 4.7
import QtMultimediaKit 1.1Video {
id: video
width : 800
height : 600
source: "video.avi"MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onClicked: { video.play() } } Keys.onSpacePressed: video.paused = !video.paused Keys.onLeftPressed: video.position -= 5000 Keys.onRightPressed: video.position += 5000
QtCreator doesn't show any errors. I beleive QtMobility is installed properly, because the Audio element works very well - plays music, etc., but the Video... Have I done something wrong? I'm runnibg Windows XP SP3.
By the way, even when qmlviewer crashes I still can hear the movie's sound.
It shouldn't be crashing. Could you add a bug report via "bugreports.qt.nokia.com":bugreports.qt.nokia.com for this?