Is there a lightweight browser for me to display web contents?
I want to display a small amount of web contents(Youtube video or some thing like that).
I know I can use webkit module to do this. But webkit is kinda too large.
I wonder if there's a cross-platform lightweight browser application which I can interact with through QProcess. -
Try "Arora":
You can compile the latest version (0.11) from git. -
Arora uses Qt webkit... Morris said webkit is too large for him, so I am not sure it is what he is looking for.
Because my app rarely has to display the web contents, it is a bit too heavy to include the webkit module into my app.
My purpose is to start a new process to display the web contents, so that when the user finished viewing it, the process will get killed and the resources will be removed entirely from the memory. (If I include the webkit into my app, it will stay in the memory until my app exits)Actually, it doesn't matter how many resources the browser will take during its runtime. But I think the less resources it takes , the user experience is better.
You can use "QDesktopServices:: openUrl()": to open the web page with the default browser of the system:
#include <QDesktopServices>QUrl url("");
@This opens the system's browser as an external process, it is not a modal dialog, so the flow of control in your program continues. The external browser even stays open when your application quits.
What's so bad about including Qt webkit libs in your app?