Building first Designer plugin
I've created a custom widget that I want to add to Designer. The widget uses 3 static libraries that are part of the main project. So far I've been working exclusively with Visual Studio 2008 on this (our first) Qt project. The custom widget compiles and runs fine in my Visual Studio test project.
From the instructions I could find on creating the .pro file, I came up with this:
HEADERS += BoundedDoubleEdit.h
BoundedDoubleEditPlugin.hSOURCES += BoundedDoubleEdit.cpp
BoundedDoubleEditPlugin.cppINCLUDEPATH += \source\ladarsbirsrc\trunk\src
\source\ladarsbirsrc\svstsrc\utilitiesDEFINES += SBIR_COMPILE
LIBS += -L\source\ladarsbirsrc\trunk\Release -lUtilities -lTiming -lStringUtil
CONFIG += designer plugin release
@The libraries Utilities, Timing, and StringUtil are static libs built in Visual Studio.
I then run qmake, then nmake in a Visual Studio command window. The linker fails, giving unresolved external symbols for various Windows system functions such as GetUserNameA (the missing symbols varies depending on which computer I compile on).
Don't know where to go from here, other than to the experts in the Qt community. TIA for any insight you can give.