My Text Scolling class
Hi all I have a class for text scrolling. At the time the text reaches the end of his long and starts from the beginning. But I am unable to restart the text before the end of the text:
xt te
t tex
Can anyone view the class?
I think that i must modified this function:
@void WidgetMarqueeLabel::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *evt) //fai ogni volta che c'è l'evento repaint
QPainter p(this);
QPainter p2(this);
px -= speed;
px2 -= speed;if (px <= (-textLength)){ px = width(); } if (px2 <= (-textLength)){ px2 = width(); }
px += speed;
if(px >= width())
px = - textLength;
p.drawText(px, py+fontPointSize, text()); // disegna il testo alle coordinate px, py+fontPointSize
p2.drawText(px2,py+fontPointSize, text());
p2.translate(px2,0);@but not work :(