[bug] Downloading archive for component Madde Qt 4.7.0 - fails
I was using the smart installer to update my Nokia SDK and got this error ...
!http://www.shareimages.com/images/pics/0/0/2/51157-pJSdl5Wfl5ymlaOSlqWk-madde_error.jpg(error msg)! -
Yes, I've stucked with this error too when tried to update madde.
BTW, where should we report bugs in Nokia SDK?
I don't think it goes to the Qt bug tracker and I don't know if Forum Nokia has something like this...
anselmolsm: There is the "Nokia Qt SDK Installer" Component "in the bugtracker":http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/ for this kind of issues.
Tobias: Oh, nice! Thank you :-)
logged the bug "here":http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTSDK-280
hi Denis,
could you post your environment details in the bug as requested by Maurice:
"http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTSDK-280":http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTSDK-280 -
chetankjain, done :)