Qt plugin in visual studio 2010
Hi guys,
I've just installed the plugin, everything works fine except that visual studio underlines every statement of QT with red so it's just like it is a syntax problem.
example "here":http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/42/testogn.jpg/
Is there a way to let Visual studio recognize Qt syntax as good?
Kind regards,
[Edit: Fixed link; mlong]
Assuming that you are using the "vsaddin from here":http://releases.qt-project.org/vsaddin/qt-vs-addin-1.1.10.exe there should be no particular reason why vs shows a syntax problem. I am using vsaddin with vs2005 for a couple of years and do not see this problem.
Do you have the path and environment settings up-to-date? QTDIR for instance? Also under Qt settings you may need to specify an installed version of Qt.
This is due to intellisense not knowing the location of the Qt libraries. You have to add the qt path of all at module folders because intellisense will not scan the main qt folder recursively.
I wrote a post on it a while back with my setup: http://blog.lfdm.net/index.php/2012/02/07/64-qt-setup-intellisense
Is the plug-in no longer available?
The Nokia download link is dead now and the products page on qt.digia.com point to a Try/Buy product that seems to include the Qt plug-in for VS2010.Basically I just wanted to build an old Qt app under VS2010 and tried the "qmake -tp vc" to generate a VS2010 project - it doesn't.
Psi -
Oops! I found it! Someone hinted towards somewhere in Googlespace, it's in download.qt-project.org and I downloaded the 2014 code. I'll check it out. I just have to setup the parameters for my Qt Creator installation (I have VS2010 Pro and VS2013 Express, so I'll have to point to the VS2010 version).