Why is QtMobility required to use Multimedia in QML?
hi ashwin, this might be of interest to you
another interesting read:
"http://colin.guthr.ie/2010/05/qt-multimediamobility-vs-phonon-fight/":http://colin.guthr.ie/2010/05/qt-multimediamobility-vs-phonon-fight/ -
hi again,
chk this out too: "https://qt.nokia.com/products/qt-addons":https://qt.nokia.com/products/qt-addons -
Thanks Chetan,
The roadmap looks good,
But my concern is - QML is intended for Designer and people who are non-developers,
and do not want to do C++ or any other coding,
So installation, developing and packaging of pure-QML applications, should be as easy as and simple like installing from an .exe or .deb etc, and then exporting the app to the phone also should be direct,
And all the libraries that my be required for all my QML apps like multimedia etc should be installed at one go, and those designers should not be asked to install missing plugins by executing something from command line etc. They are non-developers. -
ashwin I fully agree :) ...
even as a developer I'd want things to be as simple as click and go :P and don't want to spend hours trying to get my environment right.
maybe this is already in the plan with Qt going fully modular and the smart installer as it evolves.
But only some Troll should confirm or comment on this ... -
We definitely agree! That's the whole point of things like the Nokia Qt SDK and Smart Installer -- to make it as easy as possible to develop and deploy your Qt (and QML) applications. If there are specific pain points you'd like to see addressed, please report them via bugreports.qt.nokia.com so we can continue to improve.
I have not tried the Nokia Qt SDK yet. I was under the impression that was for mobile development only. I guess I thought that because there was (until a few days ago) a separate Qt SDK that included QtCreator and was suitable for desktop installations (discontinued now). I don't think there is any question that developers are confused about how to get there environment up and running, especially new developers (and who wants to discourage them?).
I strongly agree with whatever Ashwin had said,even i needed multimedia package for QML but in order to get that i need to install QTMobility first,which was so painful (when errors appears while compiling, u dont knw wht to do) ,so many environmental variables need to be set, atleast QTcreator is better in tht ;)