MYSQL connection with Qt on PC
Dear readers,
for months I have been trying to get MYSQL working with Qt. This because my website's database is filled with information,
which I would also like to use in my program i.e. my program needs access to MySQL.Untill today I have been unable to get a working connection, neither has anyone been willing to write a step-by-step manual on
how to do this.So by this, once again, an attempt in getting someone to write me one :)
Could someone please help me out? I am using the latest version of Qt and want to make a connection to my MySQL database
(not local but the one that comes with my website so I have an IP address).I am working on a PC with Windows 7 Professional.
Best regards
Qt documentation offers an article about "connecting to databases": Have you already read it? Do you get any errors? You might be unable to connect to your web site's database due to some administrative configuration.
well, the problem is I dont have the MYSQL files... i am trying to make those but no matter what tutorial i use online (im on a windows 7 computer) I cant seem to get those made :(
@#include <iostream>
#include <QtSql/QSqlDatabase>using namespace std;
int main()
QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QMYSQL");
bool ok =;
}@gives me the errors:
Starting C:\Users\Ground Zero\Desktop\C++\PROJECT\project-build-desktop-Qt_4_8_1_for_Desktop_-MinGW__Qt_SDK__Debug\debug\project.exe...
QSqlDatabase: QMYSQL driver not loaded
QSqlDatabase: available drivers: QSQLITE QODBC3 QODBC
QSqlDatabase: an instance of QCoreApplication is required for loading driver plugins
C:\Users\Ground Zero\Desktop\C++\PROJECT\project-build-desktop-Qt_4_8_1_for_Desktop-_MinGW__Qt_SDK__Debug\debug\project.exe exited with code 0 -
When I say like:
qmake -o Makefile "INCLUDEPATH+=c:\mysql\include" "LIBS+=Lc:\mysql\lib =lmysql"
then i get three error's:
WARNING: (internet):1: Unescaped backslashes are deprecated.
And nothing happens, no files are made in the MYSQL folder.
mysql is installed in c:\mysql
When I installed mysql It did NOT create a OPT folder, but the libmysql.lib file does exist but in the
c:\mysql\lib\ folder.So everything goes right untill the part where I want to make the file I guess.
anyways... does make the .pro file but when I type in "nmake" it tells me the command is internally or externally not recognised.
what can I do now?EDIT:
I followed that tutorial, all fine untill I do the following:
qmake -o Makefile "INCLUDEPATH+=%MYSQLDIR%\include" "LIBS+=%MYSQLDIR%\lib\liblibmysql.a"
I now get a screen with all kind of text and a Error 2 message... what to do !?
!! -
I have the same problem, currently I'm using Linux because it's easier to compile the plugin.
If you find the real step by step, for use QMYSQL on Windows, please tell me.
My use next:
- All that is in the mingw-utils-0.3 to unpack in a folder with MinGW (specifically in my C: \ Qt \ 2010.05 \ mingw \ bin)
- It would be nice to add that same C: \ Qt \ 2010.05 \ mingw \ bin and C: \ Qt \ 2010.05 \ qt \ bin to the PATH.
- Now go to C: \ MySQL \ MySQL51 \ lib \ opt, and there do the following:
• reimp-d libmysql.lib
• dlltool-k-d libmysql.def-l libmysql.a - After that, run the build of the Qt:
• configure.exe-debug-and-release-platform win32-g + +-qt-sql-mysql-l mysql-IC: \ MySQL \ MySQL51 \ include-LC: \ MySQL \ MySQL51 \ lib \ opt
• mingw32-make sub-src
And the smoke for a long time ...
Five. After the stamp in the C: \ Qt \ 2010.05 \ Qt \ src \ plugins \ sqldrivers \ mysql and there:
qmake "INCLUDEPATH + = C: \ MySQL \ MySQL51 \ include" "LIBS + =-L. mysql"
If everything goes well then in C: \ Qt \ 2010.05 \ qt \ plugins \ sqldrivers should appear:
• libqsqlmysql4.a
• libqsqlmysqld4.a
• qsqlmysql4.dll
• qsqlmysqld4.dll- One last thing:
Copy these libraries in C: \ Qt \ ... \ qt \ plugins \ sqldrivers , as well as C: \ MySQL \ lib \ opt \ libmysql.dll in C: \ Qt \ ... \ qt \ bin.
[quote author="Devbizz" date="1336572641"]Dear readers,
after 3 ~ 4 months, I still have not been able to get MYSQL working.
Would someone please be so kind to help me on MSN or do it for me by using Teamviewer?I am willing to pay for your time.
I am using a Windows 7 64-Bit machine (PC).[/quote]
I have merged your two topics on the same issue. Please don't open multiple topics discussing the same problem.