[Solved]is it possible to run symbian anna 4.7.4 applications on E63 ?
hi. i have developed an application using qt creator 2.4.1 based on qt 4.7.4. the application is targeted for symbian anna 4.7.4. is it possible to run the application on nokia E63 ?
also i referred to the link http://www.developer.nokia.com/Distribute/Packaging_and_signing.xhtml#article1_a. it said that E63 is compatible with qt 4.6. is it possible to develop E63 compatible applications using qt sdk 1.1.2 ? -
Nokia E63 is with Symbian S60 3rd Edition Feature Pack 1 without a touch screen so some Qt apps might not be compatible. Check the "Qt SDK archive":ftp://ftp.qt.nokia.com/qt/source/ for the most appropriate version.
here are a number of files given. i have chosen to check qt-symbian-opensource-4.6.0.exe
hi. i have found out the answer. it is not possible to port qt 4.7.4 applications to E63. only qt 4.6 applications can be ported. here is the link that outlines the details. check this out: