ZX Spectrum anniversary
Hi folks,
I almost forgot that the Spectrum was yesterday 30 year old :)
I've met with a computer first in 1983 sept: that was a ZX81 machine (with 1KB RAM!).
Later I bought a Spectrum. I used it for several years. I learned the BASIC with that machine.
That was the real user eXperience :)
I bought my first PC (80286, Hercules monitor :)) in 1992, twenty years ago (huh!).Any early eXperince with you folks?
I started with 128k with BASIC, and i becomed a devil developer until today ^^
The Spectrum is still remembered in the Qt source code and "documentation":http://doc-snapshot.qt-project.org/5.0/qlcdnumber.html#details !
[quote author="dclark" date="1335482240"]The Spectrum is still remembered in the Qt source code and "documentation":http://doc-snapshot.qt-project.org/5.0/qlcdnumber.html#details ![/quote]
Hmmm! Good to know :)
(My Spectrum was my fav computer for years :))