Issue Performing Right-Click with Mouse Click Function Using Only Two Coordinates
I am currently working on automating some actions in my Squish test script. In one of my tests, I am trying to perform a right-click (Button3) on an object, but I am encountering an issue when using the mouseClick() function with only two coordinates.
Here is the relevant code snippet where I am attempting to perform the action:
object = waitForObject(connectionAddressComboBox_FakeFocusTextField)
mouseClick(object, Button.Button3)However, when executing the script, I get the following error message:
Detail No matching 'mouseClick(Object, int)' overload found: Following overloads are available:
Squish::Global::mouseClick(ScreenRectangle *)
Squish::Global::mouseClick(ScreenRectangle *, KeyboardModifier::Key modifiers)
Squish::Global::mouseClick(ScreenRectangle *, KeyboardModifier::Key modifiers, MouseButton::ButtonValue button)
Squish::Global::mouseClick(ScreenPoint *)
Squish::Global::mouseClick(ScreenPoint *, KeyboardModifier::Key modifiers)
Squish::Global::mouseClick(ScreenPoint *, KeyboardModifier::Key modifiers, MouseButton::ButtonValue button)
Squish::Global::mouseClick(char * object, int x, int y, int state, Button::ButtonState button)
Squish::Global::mouseClick(java_lang_Object * object, int * x, int y, int state, Button::ButtonState button)
Squish::Global::mouseClick(java_lang_Object * object)
Squish::Global::mouseClick(char * object)
Squish::Global::mouseClick(HTML_Object * object)
Squish::Global::mouseClick(HTML_Object * object, int x, int y)
Squish::Global::mouseClick(HTML_Object * object, int modifierState, int x, int y)I am using latest java windows squish edition
@Ushahy said in Issue Performing Right-Click with Mouse Click Function Using Only Two Coordinates:
Squish::Global::mouseClick(ScreenPoint *, KeyboardModifier::Key modifiers, MouseButton::ButtonValue button)
Hi @Ushahy as mentioned in the overloads available message in your log you should use any one of those available in your case
for example
"mouseClick(ScreenPoint *, KeyboardModifier::Key modifiers, MouseButton::ButtonValue button)"
"mouseClick(java_lang_Object * object, int * x, int y, int state, Button::ButtonState button)"You can directly raise support ticket from SquishIDE using the "collect support information" or "contact support" under help