Regarding dynamic graph creation using Shape qml component.
QML and Qt Quick
I tried to create a dynamic graph using Shape and PathPolyline. when it reaches to end of the graph area, it starts from left end of graph again clearing some space. My Issue is when it reaches right end and going to left end it drawing a line. I wanted to disconnect those two points without disturbing other points.
My QML code sample.
import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
import QtQuick.Shapes 1.15ApplicationWindow {
visible: true
width: 500
height: 300Rectangle { id: graphContainer width: parent.width height: parent.height color: "black" Shape { id: graph anchors.fill: parent ShapePath{ strokeWidth: 2 strokeColor: "green" fillColor:"transparent" startX: 0 startY: graphContainer.height / 2 PathLine{ id:line11 x:graphContainer.width y:graphContainer.height/2 } } ShapePath { id:line12 strokeWidth: 2 strokeColor: "red" fillColor: "transparent" startX: 0 startY: graphContainer.height / 2 PathPolyline { id: graphPath path: [] // Empty initially } PathMove{ id:pathMove x:0 y:graphContainer.height / 2 } } } Connections { target: dataSender function onDataChanged() { if (!graphContainer || !dataSender) return; var xStep = graphContainer.width / 50; // Step size for X-axis var centerY = graphContainer.height / 2; if (graphPath.path.length === 0) { graphPath.path = []; } var lastX = graphPath.path.length > 0 ? graphPath.path[graphPath.path.length - 1].x : 0; var newX,newY; if (lastX >= graphContainer.width) { newX =0; } else{ newX =lastX + xStep; } newY = centerY -[ - 1] / 2; var newPath = graphPath.path.concat([Qt.point(newX, newY)]); if(newPath.length > 50){ newPath.shift(); } graphPath.path = newPath; // Assign updated path } } }