Qt6.8.1 Windows 32 bit with msvc143
@Qt6User said in Qt6.8.1 Windows 32 bit with msvc143:
How can i get the msvc2022_32 OR msvc143 with 32bit(or x86) libraries for Qt6.8.1?
There are no pre-build 32bit libs anymore - you have to compile them by yourself. Why do you need them? Is there really a Windows 10 with 32bit available where you could run this on?
@Christian-Ehrlicher We support 32 bit versions of some of our products and they require the Qt 32 bit binaries built with msvc143.
On same note -
a) Is it possible to build individual Qt modules like QtCore without full Qt build? Any instructions for this?
b) Is there CMake build available for latest Qt versions? -
Qt can only build with cmake and yes you can build only specific modules. See configure --help.
Is there really a windows 10 32bit available? -
- Open x86 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2022
- set PATH to make cmake, ninja and python available
- cd to a clean build folder
- path\to\source\configure.bat -debug-and-release -force-debug-info -nomake examples -qt-zlib -submodules qtbase -openssl-runtime -- -DFEATURE_msvc_obj_debug_info=ON -DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=path\to\OpenSSLx86(v1.1 and v3 are acceptable, the prebuilt libs use v3)
As you can see in the above command, you can choose the submodule qtbase, not QtCore only.
But you can choose to build QtCore only by
cmake --build . --target Core
Then you'll find the library files in .\qtbase subfolders: bin, include, lib, and so on, manually copy the files you need.
If you want a clean and easy install, then you better building full qtbase using
cmake --build .
And install to your destination folder by
cmake --install . --prefix path/to/install
[Added] Seems the above command only installs Release files, so need to call another command to also install the Debug files
cmake --install . --prefix path/to/install --config Debug
@Bonnie I used below sequence of commands to build 32 bit version of Qt6 libs from source in "Developer Command Prompt for VS2022"
git clone --branch v6.8.1 git://code.qt.io/qt/qt5.git .
e:\QT6>cd qt-build e:\QT6\qt-build>..\configure.bat -debug-and-release -force-debug-info -nomake examples -qt-zlib -submodules qtbase -openssl-runtime -init-submodules -- -DFEATURE_msvc_obj_debug_info=ON -DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR="C:\workarea\openssl-" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="C:/QT6_INSTALL"
e:\QT6>cmake --build . --parallel
The above command builds all OK.
ninja install
Now when i goto the install Directory then i see that i "qml", "translations" and "phrasebooks" folders are missing which the 64 bit install of Qt6 has available?
a) AM i missing any other modules in my configure command?
b) How can i see all the module names which can be specified?C:\workarea\QT6_INSTALL>dir
Directory of C:\QT6_INSTALL
01/15/2025 04:24 PM <DIR> .
01/15/2025 04:34 PM <DIR> ..
01/15/2025 04:24 PM <DIR> bin
01/15/2025 04:23 PM <DIR> doc
01/15/2025 04:23 PM <DIR> include
01/15/2025 04:24 PM <DIR> lib
01/15/2025 04:23 PM <DIR> metatypes
01/15/2025 04:23 PM <DIR> mkspecs
01/15/2025 04:23 PM <DIR> modules
01/15/2025 04:23 PM <DIR> plugins
01/15/2025 04:24 PM <DIR> sbom
0 File(s) 0 bytes
11 Dir(s) 9,087,979,520 bytes free