Warnings in default `Constants.qml`
QML and Qt Quick
In the default generated
file from Qt Design Studio,qmllint
indicates that they are errors:[3/4 40.0/sec] cd /home/tvanbesi/Desktop/Qt-sandbox/Sandbox/Sandbox && /home/tvanbesi/Qt/6.8.0/gcc_64/bin/qmllint @/home/tvanbesi/Desktop/Qt-sandbox/Sandbox-Debug/Sandbox/.rcc/qmllint/Sandbox.rsp Warning: /home/tvanbesi/Desktop/Qt-sandbox/Sandbox/Sandbox/Constants.qml:14:69: Member "font" not found on type "QQmlApplication" [missing-property] family: Qt.application.font.family, ^^^^ Warning: /home/tvanbesi/Desktop/Qt-sandbox/Sandbox/Sandbox/Constants.qml:18:74: Member "font" not found on type "QQmlApplication" [missing-property] family: Qt.application.font.family, ^^^^
I'm still learning Qt Design Studio so I wonder how to fix these?
C Christian Ehrlicher moved this topic from General and Desktop on
Looks like a bug in Qt (not related to Qt Design Studio). I've created a bug report for you: https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-131911