GraphsView: Labels in Bars in a BarSeries stay after clearing the series
Currently I have a GraphsView with a BarSeries inside it.
The graph has Values on the Y axis and Dates on the X axis and It supports filtering by different variables such as dates.Since i want the value to be clearly viewed above the bars i have used the properties regarding labels inside the BarSeries. But every time I filter the data some of the old values still show. I have tried using clear and append for the new data, I have tried turning the labels visibility off and on, I have also tried removing the series from the GraphView and adding it back with the new data which works but adds a different type of issue where the series is shown for a split second and gets removed after.
The weird thing I have seen though is that the data is shown normally every time i filter the default launch way and any old labels get removed.I have also attached screenshots to show the issue.
Using QtQuick 6.8 and QtGraphs Windows 11 MinGW
Graph used in the application:
GraphsView { id: graphsView antialiasing: true Layout.fillHeight: true Layout.fillWidth: true axisX: BarCategoryAxis{ categories: LogData.categories subGridVisible : false gridVisible: false } axisY: ValueAxis { min: 0 max: 200 } theme: GraphsTheme { backgroundVisible: false seriesColors: Style.inputBoxColor borderWidth: 2 borderColors: Style.borderColor grid.mainColor: Style.inputBoxColor plotAreaBackgroundColor: Style.backgroundColor axisXLabelFont.pointSize: 10 axisX.labelTextColor: Style.textColor axisX.mainColor: "transparent" axisX.subColor: "transparent" axisYLabelFont.pointSize: 10 axisY.labelTextColor: Style.textColor axisY.mainColor: Style.textColor } BarSeries{ id: bars labelsVisible: true labelsPrecision: 0 labelsFormat: '<font color="' + Style.textColor + '" size="4">@value</font>' labelsPosition: BarSeries.LabelsPosition.OutsideEnd Component.onCompleted: bars.append(LogData.generateSeries("all", -1, -1, "day")) } }
I have filtering done with other variables but here is simply filtering done by dates:
ButtonGroup{ id: radioGroup onClicked: { graphColumn.sizeSelected = -1 sizesComboBox.displayText = qsTr("All") typesComboBox.currentIndex = -1 typesComboBox.displayText = qsTr("All") clothesComboBox.displayText = qsTr("") bars.clear() bars.insert(0, LogData.generateSeries("all", -1, graphColumn.sizeSelected, radioGroup.checkedButton.text)) } } RowLayout{ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter Text { text: qsTr("Filter by date:") color: Style.textColor font.pointSize: 12 } CustomRadioButton { checked: true text: qsTr("day") radioGroup } CustomRadioButton { text: qsTr("month") radioGroup } CustomRadioButton { text: qsTr("year") radioGroup } }
Getting the data works normally as intended but I am putting it out here just incase:
LogData.h:class LogData : public QObject { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY(QStringList categories READ categories NOTIFY categoriesChanged) public: explicit LogData(QObject *parent = nullptr, QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase()); QStringList categories() const; public slots: bool log(const int &cId, const int &tId, const QString &sName, const int &value); QBarSet* generateSeries(const QString &filterType, const int &filterId, const int &sizeId, const QString& dateFormat); signals: void categoriesChanged(); private: QStringList m_categories; };
QBarSet *LogData::generateSeries(const QString &filter, const int &filterId, const int &sizeId, const QString &dateFilter) { QBarSet* barSet = new QBarSet("Count"); //SQL date grouping format QString dateFormat; if(dateFilter == "day") dateFormat = "strftime('%Y-%m-%d', changeDate)"; else if(dateFilter == "month") dateFormat = "strftime('%Y-%m', changeDate)"; else if(dateFilter == "year") dateFormat = "strftime('%Y', changeDate)"; QString queryStr = "SELECT " + dateFormat + " as period, SUM(changeCount) FROM ChangeLog "; QStringList whereClause; if(sizeId != -1) whereClause.append("sizeId = :sizeId"); if(filter != "all"){ if(filter == "type") whereClause.append("typeId = :typeId"); else if(filter == "item") whereClause.append("clothingId = :clothingId"); } if(!whereClause.isEmpty()) queryStr += "WHERE " + whereClause.join(" AND "); queryStr += " GROUP BY period"; QSqlQuery query(queryStr); query.prepare(queryStr); if(sizeId != -1) query.bindValue(":sizeId", sizeId); if(filter == "type") query.bindValue(":typeId", filterId); if(filter == "item") query.bindValue(":clothingId", filterId); //dates for X axis QStringList xDates; if(query.exec()){ while({ QString period = query.value(0).toString(); int count = query.value(1).toInt(); xDates.append(period); *barSet << count; qDebug()<< period << " " << count; } qDebug()<< "================"; }else{ barSet->deleteLater(); qWarning()<< "Error creating series..."; return NULL; } m_categories.clear(); m_categories.append(xDates); emit categoriesChanged(); return barSet; } QStringList LogData::categories() const { return m_categories; }
Screenshots for reference:
on Launch(filter by days):
filter by month(one wrong label shown):
filter by year(many old labels shown):