sending signal from inline Component?
QML and Qt Quick
Hi all -
I'm trying to code a reusable TextField. This will include an explicit signal. How is this done?
Component { Flickable { Connections { target: passwordField // not seen function onTextFieldClicked(yValue, itemHeight) {...} } Loader { sourceComponent: passwordFieldComponent } Component { id: passwordFieldComponent TextField { id: passwordField signal textFieldClicked(int yValue, int itemHeight) onActiveFocusChanged: { if (activeFocus) { textFieldClicked(y, height) ...
I've tried moving the signal definition around, but that doesn't seem to help. Any ideas? Thanks...
Confused with question. Can you add more details or sample program ? This will help to answer the same.
I want to know how to identify (connect to) a signal that is in an inline Component.
I ended up removing the signal, and using a different path to accomplish the same thing. It didn't answer the question, but it got me past my problem.
Thanks for looking.
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