Trying to install/link KQuickCharts to use with my project
I have a QT6.8 QT Quick application that needs a high speed live charting library that supports QML. Due to the fact that my software needs to be licensed under LGPL I can't use the built in QT Charts so I chose to use KQuickCharts. (
The only problem is I am having a hell of a time trying to link/install it on my windows machine. I have managed to build the library but when it comes to actually installing/linking it I have had nothing but trouble.
I currently have managed to change the QML_IMPORT_PATH to a directory that includes the qml module files for the project but every time I try to build it it says QuickChartsplugin.dll: The specified module could not be found. I assume this is because I didn't include the dll in my build folder but then when I do include add the dll and link the necessary libs it says the module "org.kde.quickcharts" is not installed.
If anyone knows of any way to make this work on windows quickly and easily that would be great.
Same issue, I have also got this cmake warning:
-- qmlplugindump failed for org.kde.quickcharts. -- Could NOT find org.kde.quickcharts-QMLModule (missing: org.kde.quickcharts-QMLModule_FOUND) The qml plugin 'QuickChartsplugin' is a dependency of 'project', but the link target it defines (KF6::QuickChartsplugin) does not exist in the current scope. The plugin will not be linked.