Verification Points and Global Scripted Object Map
Hi everyone,
we are using Squish to test our application and we have defined a global object map - several files containing class definition of the objects for better identification when using them, for example:
class ObjectContainer(object): graph_window = {"text": Wildcard("GRAPH v*"), "type": ObjectType.Window} chart_screenshot_window= {"container": graph_window, "text": "*ExampleGraph", "type": ObjectType.Window}
The files are defined as Global scripts and so far we were able to use these files in our tests without problems. The file can stay empty except the imports of our global object map files.
We now need to use these extracted objects in a verification point. In a VP file we can define the object for example like:
<Verification object="ObjectContainer.chart_screenshot_window" options="12" type="PNG">
instead of the object listed in the (since it is the same object).
Unfortunately this does not work. We get the message that the object is not found and we can re-select the object leading to new entry in the worked is copying the graph_window and chart_screenshot_window definitions in the, but that will lead to unnecessarry doubling of the objects and errors in the long run.
Is there a way to tell the Verification points to use the global Object map instead the local
Hi there!
How about using text.vpWithObject? You should be able to pass a realname from your custom global object map as the second parameter.