Does Qt for MCU offer these features
I'll start by apologizing...i've read the Qt web pages describing Qt for MCUs but can't figure out if this is what I need. I've been working in Qt Creator on Linux for years, love it!
Now I want to play with ESP32 hardware. I want to use Qt Creator, and I want to use the Qt libraries I've become accustomed to. In particular, event loop, timers, signals & slots, QDateTime, etc. (No graphics, though the Qt website emphasizes graphics libraries so I know that's there). I also want to be able to debug on the ESP32, stepping though it.
Is that what Qt for MCUs is? (All of the above)? I would normally download it first to figure out if it can do what I want, but I think there is a $500 paywall to even download. So I would hate to make a $500 mistake.