DEMO: Qt Quick on iOS (iPod touch 4G)
Some more demo vids "here":
Maybe someone know about estimated time for this project to be published? It is really interesting
Lighthouse is currently under a "technology preview" license. It is going to be "part of Qt starting with 4.8":
The intention is to have this port complete (with parts of Qt Mobility) in that time-frame...
Any links to repository?
Denis, this is what you were seeking?
4.8 is not branched yet from what I saw in git, so master should have it
I'm aware of lighthouse link, thanks :) I'm asking about link to repository with ios plugin to lighthouse. I've used for a some time (and using now) android plugin and it will be good to look at ios too.
[quote author="Denis Kormalev" date="1289927524"]I'm aware of lighthouse link, thanks :) [/quote]
:Pif you've not already seen this ... is this the one? ... seems to have some recent activity ... "":
Page: "":
As I know it is not the one showed on videos (port in your links has qtcore support and initial qtgui support).