Reference error when accessing a QML singleton component
General and Desktop
I'm creating a project with a singleton qml subcomponent.
pragma Singleton import QtQuick QtObject { property int windowWidth: 1280 property int windowHeight: 720 property string windowTitle: "SamplePlayer" }
This component should then be imported in the main QML component under the
namespace with theStyle
name.import QtQuick ... import Styles Window { width: Style.windowWidth height: Style.windowHeight title: Style.windowTitle ... }
I defined the qml subcomponent as a qml module in the build control file.
set_source_files_properties(Style.qml PROPERTIES QT_QML_SINGLETON_TYPE TRUE) ... qt_add_qml_module( styles VERSION 1.0 URI Styles RESOURCE_PREFIX "/" PLUGIN_TARGET styles_plugin OUTPUT_DIRECTORY Styles QML_FILES Style.qml STATIC )
And linked the main executable against this module.
target_link_libraries( sample_media_player PRIVATE ... styles_plugin )
When I build and execute the program, the style properties defined in the qml subcomponent isn't applied. I get the following error messages in the console.
qrc:/Components/Main.qml:19: ReferenceError: Style is not defined qrc:/Components/Main.qml:17: ReferenceError: Style is not defined qrc:/Components/Main.qml:16: ReferenceError: Style is not defined
What's the reason of these errors? Why the properties defined in the qml singleton component isn't applied?
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Building environments
Arch, CMake 3.29.3, Ninja 1.12.1, GCC 14.1.1, Qt 6.7.0
Debian 12.5, CMake 3.25, Ninja 1.11.1, GCC 12.2.0, Qt 6.4.2