MySQL with ODBC on a MacBook
after I did it for profession I now do it as hobby. And I'm just moving from Windows to MacOs. I installed Qt 6.7.1, MySQL 8.3 and ODBC 8.4 and of course the newest version of iODBC. I know try a very simple Select and get an error I don't understand.
I don't use any special options and the output is:
DB is open "" Nach Query: true "[iODBC][Driver Manager]Optional feature not implemented, HYC00 QODBC: Unable to fetch next"
The complete Source-Code is:
#include <QCoreApplication> #include <QLocale> #include <QTranslator> #include <QSqlDatabase> #include <QSqlQuery> #include <QSqlRecord> #include <QDebug> #include <QSqlError> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QCoreApplication a(argc, argv); QTranslator translator; const QStringList uiLanguages = QLocale::system().uiLanguages(); for (const QString &locale : uiLanguages) { const QString baseName = "SQL-Test_" + QLocale(locale).name(); if (translator.load(":/i18n/" + baseName)) { a.installTranslator(&translator); break; } } QSqlDatabase sql = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QODBC","TestConn"); sql.setDatabaseName("DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 8.4 Unicode Driver};DATABASE=willi_willi_chips;SERVER=localhost"); sql.setUserName("uuuuu"); sql.setPassword("ppppp"); sql.setHostName("localhost"); if ({ qDebug() << "DB is open"; qDebug() << sql.connectOptions(); QSqlQuery query(sql); query.setForwardOnly(true); bool err = query.exec("SHOW TABLES"); qDebug() << "Nach Query: " << err; if (err) { bool nerr =; QSqlError serr(query.lastError()); qDebug() << serr.text(); } } else { QSqlError error = sql.lastError(); qDebug() << error.databaseText(); qDebug() << "DB is not open"; } return 0; }
Anybody an idea how I can access my DB?
Thx in advance,
Willi -
@Willi2793 Does it work with a simple SQL select statement e.g.,
select * from sometable
?BTW: QSqlQuery::exec() returns true on success and you put it in a variable called
. Later,err == true
means there was no error? Exploded my brain temporarily. -
@Willi2793 OK.
You do not actually test the value ofnerr
before you printquery.lastError()
. Did it actually report failure?If you do not use
?The error is, I think, coming from the ODBC layer.
Is there a reason you cannot use the native MySql driver and Qt Plugin rather? -
@ChrisW67 "nerr" is "false". I verified it again.
when I remove setForwardOnly() there is no difference.
I totally agree that it's an issue in the ODBC layer. Not quite sure If really ODBC or iODBC.
Good question why I want to use ODBC. It's already in the distribution. I already tried to create the MySQL-plugin but als have problems there.
I want to solve the ODBC-issue first and than try to get the plugin created.
BTW: thx for your time
When you look at the source code ( ) I would guess the driver does not support SQLFetchScroll() but claims to do so (see check for SQLFetchScroll in
Don't see what Qt can do here when the driver reports wrong capabilities.
@Christian-Ehrlicher Thx for pointing this out. I run the Debugger to the Point where SQLFetchScroll() is called and indeed I get there an error. But according to the documentation this function is supported.
Documentation (on page 83)
My idea was that I have a configuration-issue somewhere
So, I was now able to create the QMYSQL plugin. There I have another issue but this should be discussed in another topic. But I want to try some things before by myself.
So I set this to "Solved" (if I find how) even I think it's not really solved.
Thx for all the help :)