filter. header of a qtablewidget
Hello greetings to all.
For days I have had the idea of making a filter by column header as seen in the image
The thing is that I can't put the qLineEdit in the header. I have seen examples but nothing works in the version I am using, which is 6.7
any idea how to do it?thank you
I try to do this and others
And what happens with Qt 6.7 that is problematic?
I don't know. There is a one ;line comment in response to that stackoverflow question:Why you didn't write MyHeader : public QWidget, public QTableWidgetItem? Construct widget like usual widget and then use in header. –
Jul 24, 2012 at 13:14
Might be as simple as that? Or there is the long example code from one responder, or the code at .
Now I'm on a better path and I can paint it.
filtrotabletoday or tomorrow I copy the code
I base it on the following link