[Debugger confusion] Debugger encountered an exception: Exception at Ox7ffd94b153ac, code: 0x8001010d:, flags-0x81 (first chance)
Please help me solve the following confusion: I am using the QCanBus library, in order to detect the existence of CanDevice, I want to return a QCanDevice* type for use elsewhere. But the following error, please help me to solve this puzzle: Debugger encountered an exception: Exception at Ox7ffd94b153ac, code: 0x8001010d:, flags-0x81 (first chance)
Now for no reason, here is my code snippet:
QCanBusDevice* CanMainWindow::GetCanBusDevice() const { // return std::move(m_canDevice); return m_canDevice.get(); // Comment it out, there's still a problem // return std::make_unique<QCanBusDevice>(*m_canDevice); }
Display these prompts repeatedly:Exception at 0x7ffd94b153ac, code: 0xe06d7363: C++ exception, flags=0x81 (first chance) in UIAutomationCore! UiaReturnRawElementProvider Exception at 0x7ffd94b153ac, code: 0xe06d7363: C++ exception, flags=0x81 (first chance) in UIAutomationCore! UiaReturnRawElementProvider Exception at 0x7ffd94b153ac, code: 0xe06d7363: C++ exception, flags=0x81 (first chance) in UIAutomationCore! UiaReturnRawElementProvider Exception at 0x7ffd94b153ac, code: 0xe06d7363: C++ exception, flags=0x81 (first chance) in UIAutomationCore! UiaReturnRawElementProvider
Thank you in advance. Thank u.
First chance exceptions are normally ok - these are exceptions which are catched inside the program. Is your device properly connected and can you access it with other tools? What exact Qt version do you use? Does Qt supports your device?
@Christian-Ehrlicher said in [Debugger confusion] Debugger encountered an exception: Exception at Ox7ffd94b153ac, code: 0x8001010d:, flags-0x81 (first chance):
First chance exceptions are normally ok - these are exceptions which are catched inside the program. Is your device properly connected and can you access it with other tools? What exact Qt version do you use? Does Qt supports your device?
Thank you for your reply. My Qt version is 6.5, I can normally support my device, and the connection is normal, can also transfer data normally, comment out the function QCanBusDevice * CanMainWindow:: GetCanBusDevice const(), the program can run normally. But I still want to understand, why does this anomaly happen?
I believe they are an MSVC/VS invention. An first-chance without a second chance means it was handled in exception handling code.https://learn.microsoft.com/en-gb/archive/blogs/davidklinems/what-is-a-first-chance-exception
First chance exception messages most often do not mean there is a problem in the code.
You don't have to look at these notifications, right-click the Output window and untick the "Exception messages" option.
@JonB said in [Debugger confusion] Debugger encountered an exception: Exception at Ox7ffd94b153ac, code: 0x8001010d:, flags-0x81 (first chance):
I believe they are an MSVC/VS invention. An first-chance without a second chance means it was handled in exception handling code.https://learn.microsoft.com/en-gb/archive/blogs/davidklinems/what-is-a-first-chance-exception
First chance exception messages most often do not mean there is a problem in the code.
You don't have to look at these notifications, right-click the Output window and untick the "Exception messages" option.
Thank you for your detailed and serious reply. I have learned a lot. I am a novice, not very good at C++ programming, and I am not familiar with Qt enough.
So, can this warning be ignored?